Spotlight: INWED Team Spotlight – Rosie Wordsworth, Project Engineer

In our second INWED team spotlight feature, we are delighted to introduce Rosie Wordsworth, a chemical engineer with over 3 years’ professional experience in Engineering Consultancy. Rosie provides essential project management and technical support to our clients, working across a variety of sustainable technologies at various stages of the project lifecycle.

Find out more about Rosie’s career and background below!

Q: What inspired your career path into engineering 

I’ve always been good at maths and science but knew I wanted to do something a little more applied. I ended up going into a talk on Chemical Engineering by chance when I was at a university open day and was immediately interested in what the lecturer was saying. I pretty much decided on the spot that this was the degree I wanted to do – which could have gone badly, I know. Luckily I really enjoyed my studies and went straight into a graduate engineering role after finishing. Very quickly I realised I wanted to go down the energy sector route because I’m passionate about combatting climate change and doing my bit to help in the energy transition.

Q: Tell us a bit about what your role involves and the sectors/technologies you focus on? 

I work on a variety of projects across the energy sector at Fichtner, namely Waste-to-Energy, hydrogen, carbon capture, district heating and solar. My role involves providing project management and technical support to clients, whether that’s at the early stages of an engineering project or during the construction of a power station.

Q: In honour of International Women in Engineering Day on the 23rd, can you explain how your work contributes to a brighter and more sustainable future for the UK and Ireland? 

My work at Fichtner centres around fossil-fuel alternatives within the energy sector, something I’m really driven by. Not only does this contribute to reducing greenhouse emissions, but it also brings diversity to UK and Ireland’s energy sources.  In recent years, we’ve seen this diversity is essential in providing more affordable, equitable and sustainable access to electricity and heating across society.




Q: What is the best piece of advice you would give to women starting out in their engineering careers? 

Don’t be afraid of pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone. Its okay to not get it 100% right first time around – sometimes you are your own worst enemy so removing that fear of failure will go a long way! I would also say try and find your passion, but don’t be put off if you don’t find it right away. Just strive for variety in your work and soon enough you’ll find what you enjoy.