Owner’s and Lender’s technical advisor for Wrexham PFI waste contract.
Fichtner provided development support of the Wilton 10 Biomass CHP plant at the Sembcorp plant in Teeside.
Fichtner provided technical due diligence to support OFGEM’s analysis of the West of Duddon Sands Off-shore wind farm located in the Irish Sea.
Fichtner provided engineering assistance and acted as Owner’s Engineer in upgrading this plant to meet the requirements of the Waste Incineration Directive.
Fichtner provided full technical due diligence and engineering consultancy services for this 40 MWe facility.
We provided full technical support for the development of this 44 MWe Biomass CHP Plant in Scotland.
Fichtner was appointed by Roundshield to undertake a technical due diligence on the 13.5MW operational Snugborough wind farm, located in Ireland.
Fichtner provided environmental permitting and planning services for the EfW facility at Avonmouth.
Fichtner Consulting Engineers Ltd Kingsgate (Floor 3), Wellington Road North, Stockport, Cheshire, SK4 1LW