The Cramlington plant is a 28 MWe biomass combined heat and power (CHP) plant that supplies renewable heat to Aesica Pharmaceuticals and MSD. Speyside Renewable Energy Plant a 15 MWe biomass CHP plant that supplies renewable heat to the Macallan Whisky Distillery. Both biomass CHP plants are fuelled from clean low-grade woodchip sourced locally.
Our services during the pre-financial close included;
- Environmental Permit advice;
- EPC specification development;
- development of heat and private wire offtake arrangements and;
- support for negotiations with shortlisted contractors.
Our key roles during construction, commissioning and hand-over included;
- Owners Engineer;
- CDM Advisory;
- on and off-site inspections
Fichtner has been pleased to support Estover in the development of its 4 renewable projects from conceptual stage right through to the commencement of construction of the first 2 projects.